Amhara - Font Details


By ingoFonts

Download Count: 52102

License: Free for personal use

Author Notes:

Here's a rewritten version of your text: Imagine an experiment: crafting a Latin alphabet inspired by the Ethiopian Ge'ez script, resulting in Amhara. To create Amhara, the familiar forms of Amharic were adapted to the Western European alphabet. Remarkably, most of Ge'ez's distinctive traits seamlessly transferred to lowercase letters. One of the hallmarks of the Ethiopian script is the prominent emphasis on extended vertical strokes, a result of the pen's horizontal positioning. The most frequently occurring feature, shaping the overall aesthetic, is the open curve at the base. The symmetrical curve at the transition from the extended to the lighter and extended parts significantly influences the font's appearance. Additionally, reminiscent of Semitic scripts, Amhara boasts various forms of commas, serifs, rings, and an array of supplementary "accessories." These diacritic marks are used to introduce desired vowel sounds to the 28 fundamental consonant characters, resulting in a total of 276 distinct syllable characters. This intricate detailing allows for the assembly of components to create European characters. Nevertheless, some shapes rarely appear in Ge'ez: the individual straight vertical stroke (like 'I') and the diagonal stroke from the top right to the bottom left (only found in 'Z'). In Amhara, all characters maintain a hint of a stroke starting from the top left and a slight downstroke towards the right at the bottom. The attempt has been made to preserve this directional flow in Amhara. The lowercase characters intentionally exude a sense of restlessness, contributing to their less fluid legibility. This design choice retains the foreign and exotic aura of the African model. At ingoFonts, all fonts are available for download free of charge. However, there's a caveat: the downloadable files contain only a basic font, encompassing uppercase and lowercase letters from A to Z. The full font, which includes numerals, umlauts, punctuation, and especially ligatures, is exclusively accessible through an order and payment process.

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