Axe Hand - Font Details

Axe Hand

By Adam Skelton

Download Count: 38399

License: Free for personal use

Author Notes:

Now that I've turned eighteen, officially recognized as an adult in the United States, reflecting on the font I created back in seventh grade purely for fun, I can't help but cringe. And, I must admit, I'm quite astonished by the 30,000 downloads count. Frankly, I'm not entirely sure why people find this font appealing, but as they say, different strokes for different folks. If you're interested in using it for commercial purposes, feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected]. As for the original description from 2007, I've left it intact below as a constant reminder of my handwriting back then. I know what you're thinking - it's a bit messy! I chose the name because my initials are A.C.S., which, when pronounced, sounds like "Axe," and "Hand" because, well, it's handwriting. I hope it proves useful to you. However, please note that it's only available for personal use.

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