Barbera Twisted - Font Details

Barbera Twisted

By gabrieldevue

Download Count: 21534

License: 100% Free

Author Notes:

Barbera Twisted is a hand-drawn typeface designed for edgy and eye-catching headlines, available in three distinct styles: Outlines, Blacks, and 3D characters. This font is exclusively in uppercase, with the lowercase characters serving as unique variations of the uppercase, providing creative flexibility, especially for instances of double letters. Please note that manual kerning adjustments may be necessary for optimal spacing. I created Barbera Twisted to add a rebellious flair to my academic diploma paper. The 3D character variants offer two different orientations, depending on whether they are in uppercase or lowercase. Additionally, this font includes special characters like ä, ü, ö, and ß. Feel free to use Barbera Twisted for both personal and commercial projects. If you'd like to provide credit, it would be greatly appreciated. (Font by Gabriel deVue).

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