Bluelmin Benedict - Font Details

Bluelmin Benedict

By Intellecta Design

Download Count: 182917

License: Free for personal use

Author Notes:

INTELLECTA DESIGN engages in the research and development of fonts featuring historically and artistically relevant forms. This font is available as FREE software for personal and non-commercial use exclusively. However, donations are gladly accepted to support my HISTORICAL STUDIES on the evolution of letters, calligraphy, and typography. You are permitted to distribute this font without limitations when it is included in a zip file along with this text. For commercial use, please register this software by sending $17.00 to the following PayPal account: [email protected]. Afterward, send an email to [email protected], and I will provide you with the necessary legal permission to use the font. DRINKWARE DONATIONS ARE WELCOME! If you wish to use this font without any restrictions throughout your lifetime, consider placing a link to my website on your site. If you create any artwork with this font, especially of an artistic nature, I would be delighted to showcase it on my social networks. Explore my commercial font library, featuring HUNDREDS OF astonishing and beautiful fonts, at this link: Warm regards, Paulo W ==================================================== ABOUT THIS FONT - BLUELMIN BENEDICT Charles Bluemlein was a renowned penman and calligrapher, celebrated for producing a collection of script alphabets for the Higgins Ink Company in Brooklyn, New York. These scripts were featured in "Script and Manuscript Lettering" during the 1940s. Bluemlein represented one of the final practitioners of the illustrious era of North American penmanship. With this font and forthcoming ones, we aim to pay homage to his art through a free interpretation of his scripts. While the original series was named Bluemlein, I have opted to call this font series Bluelmin. The OPEN TYPE VERSION comes with a BONUS: three additional glyphs that can be accessed using the glyph palette.

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