Blues Malone - Font Details

Blues Malone

By Subectype & Orenari

Download Count: 9007

License: Free for personal use

Author Notes:

This font is available for PERSONAL USE only. If you intend to use it for commercial purposes, you can purchase the license here: To make a DONATION, please click here: You can also reach out to me on Instagram at Thank you :) INDONESIA - PLEASE READ: Hello to agencies, designers, YouTubers, or anyone who has downloaded this font. By installing this font, you are assumed to understand and agree to all the terms and conditions of font usage outlined below: This font may ONLY be used for "Personal Use" or for non-commercial purposes, meaning it should not generate a profit or financial gain from utilizing or applying this font. This applies to individuals, graphic design agencies, printing companies, or corporations. This font may ONLY be used for "Personal Use" or for non-commercial purposes, meaning it should not generate a profit or financial gain from utilizing or applying this font. This applies to individuals, graphic design agencies, printing companies, or corporations. It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to use or exploit this font for Commercial purposes, including but not limited to advertising, promotion, TV, film, video, motion graphics, YouTube, product packaging (physical or digital), or any media with the intent of generating profit or financial gain. It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to use or exploit this font for Commercial purposes, including but not limited to advertising, promotion, TV, film, video, motion graphics, YouTube, product packaging (physical or digital), or any media with the intent of generating profit or financial gain. Using this font for any form of Commercial use WITHOUT PERMISSION from me will incur a maximum penalty, which is 10 times the license fee. Using this font for any form of Commercial use WITHOUT PERMISSION from me will incur a maximum penalty, which is 10 times the license fee. For information on the required license, please contact me at >>> More information is available. Thank you.

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