Christopher Hand - Font Details

Christopher Hand

By El Stinger

Download Count: 2249213

License: Free for personal use

Author Notes:

Dear Fans of my Font!I’m getting so many requests lately, that I can’t answer them all, so I hope you all read this note.I’m not a professional fontdesigner and I never planned to make profit out of it, so here are my guidelines:1. If you want to use it PERSONALLY(print a t-shirt, use it on your own webpage…) – feel free to do so.2. If you want to use it PROFESSIONALLY (i.e. make money in any way by using it, like printing t-shirts and selling them, use in a magazine or book) know, that the font itself is not for sale and i do not give out any individual licence for usage. However, when you use it, show me your appreciation and SEND ME AN EMAIL. I will then give you my adress and you can send me something nice from your hometown (a hard rock café t-shirt - in Size XL - a coffemug, a book or a bottle of tequila, whatever…).THANX AND ENJOY MY FONT

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