Deus Antics - Font Details

Deus Antics

By unoriginal

Download Count: 3210

License: Free for personal use

Author Notes:

Greetings! This marks my inaugural foray into the world of font creation, and you might want to grab a tissue because emotions are about to run high. Recently, I embarked on a new career path, a departure from my long-standing role as a graphic designer. It dawned on me that I wanted to pay homage to that significant chapter of my life. Interestingly, some of the first fonts I ever encountered originated from this very website. So, the idea struck me to complete the circle, offering my own typography for those who might find it appealing. Now, let's delve into the font itself. I aimed to fashion a variation of our Latin characters, imbuing them with a semblance of runes. "Deus Antics" translates to "Ancient Gods" in Catalan. Here are the key features: We've got both lowercase and uppercase letters. The vowels sport gentle curves, while the consonants stand steadfastly square. The symbols have been crafted to closely resemble the originals, prioritizing readability. Numbers span from 0 to 9 and incorporate a touch of binary code, indicated by the horizontal lines at the top. I sincerely hope you enjoy using this font as much as I relished creating it. In fact, I'm so attached to it that I'm contemplating getting a tattoo to commemorate this special journey.

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