Franklin Goes to Java - Font Details

Franklin Goes to Java

By Budiman Ramadhan

Download Count: 21770

License: Free for personal use

Author Notes:

Franklin's Java Journey: Crafted from the Franklin Gothic Demi base font, I've customized it to create my unique typeface. Drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of Java's cultural heritage, including traditional weaponry and architectural marvels. Franklin's Java Adventure: This font is born from the foundation of Franklin Gothic Demi, but I've given it a personal twist. My inspiration comes from the captivating world of Java's cultural artifacts, encompassing everything from traditional weaponry to architectural wonders. Java Culture Inspires Franklin: Using Franklin Gothic Demi as a base, I've tailored this font to reflect my personal style. It draws its essence from the diverse Java culture, taking cues from traditional weapons and the intricate architecture that graces the island.

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