Hamerslag - Font Details


By Paweł Burgiel

Download Count: 37757

License: Demo

Author Notes:

Hamerslag is an ultra-condensed serif type family with uncomplicated, regular appearance, large x-height, relatively high contrast and modern glyphs shapes.Available in four styles, contain fraction- and scientific numerals, standard ligatures, currency symbols, proportional and tabular lining figures.Its wide character set support 200 Latin-script languages, 50 Cyrillic-script languages and 190+ romanizations/transliterations, e.g. The United Nations romanizations, Chinese official romanization (Hanyu Pinyin), BGN/PCGN (United States Board on Geographic Names and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use), American Library Association / Library of Congress romanizations and others.The OpenType PostScript CFF (.otf) and OpenType TrueType TTF (.ttf) support encodings: Windows 1250 Latin 2 (Eastern European), Windows 1251 Cyrillic, Windows 1252 Latin 1 (ANSI), Windows 1254 Turkish, Windows 1257 Baltic, ISO 8859-1 Latin 1 (Western), ISO 8859-2 Latin 2 (Central Europe), ISO 8859-3 Latin 3 (Turkish, Maltese, Esperanto), ISO 8859-4 Latin 4 (Baltic), ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic, ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 (Turkish), ISO 8859-10 Latin 6 (Scandinavian), ISO 8859-13 Latin 7 (Baltic 2), ISO 8859-14 Latin 8 (Celtic), ISO 8859-15 Latin 9, ISO 8859-16 Latin 10, Macintosh Character Set (US Roman).Supported OpenType features: Acces All Alternates, Capital Spacing, Case-Sensitive Forms, Denominators, Fractions, Glyph Composition/Decomposition, Historical Forms, Kerning, Localized Forms, Numerators, Ordinals, Proportional Figures, Scientific Inferiors, Slashed Zero, Standard Ligatures, Stylistic Alternates, Subscript, Superscript, Tabular Figures. Kerning is prepared as single ('flat') table for maximum possible compatibility with older software.More...Hamerslag DEMO font file is designed ONLY for testing purposes, eg. why look current typeface on your project, coverage by character set etc. ANY OTHER USE IS PROHIBITED. DEMO file has removed kerning table, most of OpenType features and many of characters is replaced by "DEMO" marking.You may purchase this font at:http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/pburgiel/hamerslag/https://www.linotype.com/5404723/hamerslag-family.htmlhttps://www.fonts.com/font/pawel-burgiel/hamerslagFull "Hamerslag" font family consist 4 styles:Hamerslag RegularHamerslag DemiBoldHamerslag BoldHamerslag Heavy

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