HighTech...ish - Font Details


By Jal Lemos

Download Count: 8884

License: 100% Free

Author Notes:

LICENSE HighTech...ish is a completely FREE font, available for both commercial and non-commercial projects. Please take note of the following restrictions: You are not allowed to sell the font files, rent them, or charge any fees for their use in any manner. Hosting the font files on any website without the author's consent is prohibited. When sharing the font, ensure that the readme file is included. DISCLAIMER HighTech...ish (Smooth) is not an entirely original creation. It is inspired by a font used in a computer game created around 2008. The original font's name is lost, and it has vanished from the internet. In an attempt to recreate it, the author used screenshots from the decade-old game as a reference, redrawing some characters and creating the rest from scratch. As a result, you may recognize some glyphs, particularly the uppercase letters. However, even these characters have undergone multiple changes and improvements, with some being completely reimagined. Additionally, all other elements, including numbers, characters for various languages (Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Swedish), punctuation marks, and miscellaneous symbols, were crafted by the author. The "Pixelated" and "Blocky" variations of the font are entirely new, making HighTech...ish an almost entirely fresh typeface. Created by Jal Lemos Contact: [email protected]

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