Longa Iberica - Font Details

Longa Iberica

By Paweł Burgiel

Download Count: 172689

License: Demo

Author Notes:

Longa Iberica is a serif typeface inspired by ancient scripts (Visisigothic, Proto-Gothic, Gothic). It has a long ascender and descender, small x-height and low-profile lining figures. Include automatic ligature creation, stylistic alternates and historical letterforms, lining and oldstyle numerals, fractions, Roman numerals adjusted to figure height (lining and oldstyle) and ordinal letters.Character set contain the complete Unicode Latin 1252 (Western European; ANSI), 1250 Latin 2 (Central European), 1254 Turkish, 1257 Baltic.Supported OpenType features: Acces All Alternates, Alternative Fractions, Capital Spacing, Case-Sensitive Forms, Contextual Alternates, Contextual Swash, Fractions, Historical Forms, Kerning, Lining Figures, Localized Forms, Oldstyle Figures, Ordinals, Proportional Figures, Slashed Zero, Stylistic Alternates, Stylistic Set (1-20), Superscript, Swash, Tabular Figures. Kerning is prepared as single ('flat') table for maximum possible compatibility with older software.Longa Iberica DEMO font file is designed ONLY for testing purposes, eg. why look current typeface on your project, coverage by character set etc. ANY OTHER USE IS PROHIBITED. DEMO file has removed kerning table, most of OpenType features and many of characters is replaced by "DEMO" marking.You may purchase this font at:http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/pburgiel/longa-iberica/https://www.linotype.com/5404735/longa-iberica-family.htmlhttps://www.fonts.com/font/pawel-burgiel/longa-ibericaMore...Full "Longa Iberica" font family consist 2 styles:Longa Iberica RegularLonga Iberica Italic

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