Needleteeth - Font Details


By Sinister Fonts

Download Count: 110634

License: 100% Free

Author Notes:

Introducing the Needleteeth Font Suite, brought to you by Chad Savage at This font suite was crafted in 2011, painstakingly hand-lettered on a spooky Halloween night. Now, let's get one thing straight - this font is absolutely free, and when we say free, we mean it! Feel free to use it in any way your creative heart desires. If you happen to create something awesome with it, I'd be thrilled to see it. Just shoot me an email at [email protected] and share your creation. If you plan to offer this font for download on your own font website, please be kind enough to include this Read Me document. It's a small request, isn't it? Keep in mind that this font is designed for special and graphic applications. It won't do justice in a paragraph format. The Needleteeth Psycho and Needleteeth Spooky fonts have varying sizes for both upper and lower cases. So, go ahead, mix and match them to achieve that staggered appearance. For a treasure trove of more free fonts and downloadable goodies, don't forget to check out As for instructions on how to install and use this font, you can find them at or simply search for it on Google. Trust me, you'll save time and effort by doing a quick 20-second search instead of emailing me for instructions.

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