Oranienbaum - Font Details


By Jovanny Lemonad

Download Count: 727836

License: Public domain / GPL / OFL

Author Notes:

Oranienbaum represents a contemporary high-contrast Antiqua typeface characterized by distinct and easily recognizable attributes. Drawing inspiration from classic Antiqua fonts like Bodoni, Oranienbaum embodies the quintessential style of typefaces from the early 20th century, boasting prominent serifs, sharp contrasts in geometry, and a harmonious interplay of right angles and fluid lines. This versatile font is equally well-suited for both headlines and body text. The collaborative effort behind Oranienbaum involved Oleg Pospelov as the principal type designer, supported by Jovanny Lemonad in roles spanning art direction, technical engineering, and publishing. This collection of open-source fonts is a product of designers who crafted these typefaces and generously extended permission for everyone to utilize, share, modify, and enhance these fonts, all free of charge. If you find these fonts appealing and wish to contribute, even if you're not a designer, you can support this charitable endeavor with your financial contribution. Your donations will be directed towards the treatment of children with cancer. To participate, simply make a payment through the following channels: Yandex Money: 41001412092310 Paypal account: [email protected] When making your payment, please include the word "Donate" in the "Payment" field. Your generosity will go a long way in aiding children in need.

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