Relic - Font Details


By Nico Verhaegen

Download Count: 30364

License: Free for personal use

Author Notes:

Studio License: Relic Font Relic is a free font intended solely for personal use. Here are the terms and conditions: Usage Rights: You are allowed to utilize this font in your personal projects. Commercial Use: For any commercial use of this font, kindly reach out to me via the website at Prohibited Actions: You are explicitly prohibited from reselling, sublicensing, or redistributing the font files, whether for profit or free, either as standalone files or as separate attachments to your work. If you wish to promote these resources on your website, please link back to the resource page where users can access the download, and refrain from linking directly to the download file. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Warm regards, Nico Verhaegen Allow—Studio

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