Shinthink - Font Details


By alphArtype

Download Count: 15158

License: Free for personal use

Author Notes:

Agung Rohmat - FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY-----------------------------------------------------------License Usage :Only for PERSONAL USE !!!No Commercial use allowedContact Us [email protected] Commercial Use.-----------------------------------------------------------TERMS-----------------------------------------------------------Commercial Use is any use:(i) that involves an exchange of money or other consideration,(ii) that promotes a business (e.g., sole proprietorship, corporation, or partnership), product, or service, or(iii) where financial gain or other consideration is either sought or a result, directly or indirectly, of Licensee’s use of the Licensed Asset.If any one or more of the criteria in (i), (ii), and (iii) is met, then the use is deemed “Commercial”.Non-Commercial Use (Personal):Non-commercial Use is a use for solely personal purposes; any use that meets the definition of “Commercial Use” can not be a Non-commercial use.More...----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO :Sell and RedistributeThe items purchased are for your use only. You cannot sell and redistribute it to any third party.More UserAllowing more than one user to use items downloaded/purchased from us.ConvertConverting products into different formats without written permission from us.DuplicateYou may not duplicate/copy the product to anyone without our permission.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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