Skidmarks - Font Details


By Adult Human

Download Count: 9844

License: Donationware

Author Notes:

Squack Fonts - Licensing Information Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for selecting one of my fonts. I genuinely hope you find it useful and enjoyable, whether it's for personal or creative purposes. While I don't condone any harmful or inappropriate use, I trust that you'll use it responsibly. Most of my fonts fall under the category of donationware. This means that if you plan to use them for commercial purposes, I kindly request that you consider making a donation. At the very least, a simple thank-you note would be greatly appreciated. These donations support the time and effort I've poured into creating these fonts, driven by my passion for typography. For reference, I've arbitrarily assigned a value of $200 to each of my fonts on (please note that this figure is not based on any concrete calculation). For every $200 in donations that I receive for my fonts, I'll release one of them as freeware. Over the past year and a half, I've received around $300 in donations from approximately 200,000 downloads. The math seems to work out, doesn't it? I've already made five of my fonts available for free, and I intend to continue this practice as donations accumulate. It's worth noting that if everyone were kind enough to contribute even just a dollar or two, it would render this message unnecessary. While I understand that not everyone can or will donate, I'm putting this out there in the hope of making a positive change. While I acknowledge that this message may not alter the status quo, I felt compelled to share it. So, in the spirit of "Donate Macht Frei," you can make donations through PayPal, using the payout account [email protected]. Alternatively, you can use the "Donate to author" button located next to the font on Please be aware that, due to the costs associated with PayPal transactions, I won't be able to accept donations of less than $1 US. I appreciate your understanding in this regard. Once again, thank you for choosing my font, and I sincerely hope you find it valuable and enjoyable for your creative endeavors.

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