Stalinist One - Font Details

Stalinist One

By Jovanny Lemonad

Download Count: 39227

License: Public domain / GPL / OFL

Author Notes:

Picture a future world devastated by catastrophe, where survivors seek refuge underground amidst a bleak backdrop of people, polluted air, and hopelessness. In this dystopian reality, communication still relies on fonts, albeit ones characterized by simplicity, utility, and resilience. Enter Stalin – a font birthed in the waning years of the 21st century in Moscow. Stalin One emerged through a collaboration between two visionary designers, Alexey Maslov and Jovanny Lemonad. This assortment of open-source fonts is the result of their artistic endeavors, generously offered for universal use, distribution, modification, and enhancement, all without cost. If you find yourself captivated by the fonts crafted within this initiative, you have the opportunity to contribute, even if you're not a designer. Your financial support, given in the spirit of benevolence, will be devoted entirely to the treatment of children afflicted by cancer. To make a contribution, simply send your payment to the following platforms: Yandex Money: 41001412092310 Paypal account: [email protected] When making your donation, kindly specify "Donate" under the "Payment" section. Your generosity will make a significant difference in the lives of these young ones in need.

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