Wake Up Bro - Font Details

Wake Up Bro

By Violet MX

Download Count: 101932

License: Donationware

Author Notes:

Two years ago, I acquired a humble 50-cent brush pen and commenced the journey of crafting numbers and letters on a piece of paper. From there, I painstakingly converted these characters into a digital form, ultimately birthing the font you see today. At that point, I was at a loss for what to name it. This font quietly resided on my laptop for a couple of years, without any concrete plans for release. However, just over two weeks ago, a distressing event unfolded: a dear childhood friend suffered a heart attack, slipping into a coma. His workplace health insurance had been exhausted, painting a poignant and unfortunate picture. Normally, I charge for my fonts, but I've decided to offer this one as "Donationware." If you find it useful, I kindly ask for any contribution to assist my friend's family with their overwhelming medical bills. You can make your donation here: http://gogetfunding.com/wakeupbro. Even a humble $1 would be greatly appreciated. If you can spare a bit more love, please consider sharing this page on your social media platforms to spread the word.

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